Laser Services

Take care of your body by booking one of our treatments today!

The GentleMax Pro® is the newest, most popular and most effective laser treatment to remove unwanted hair, eliminate spider, facial and leg veins, and clear age spots and sun Spots. The Derm Centre patients find GentleMax Pro® to be one of the most effective, safest and most comfortable laser treatments on the market. And unlike other lasers, GentleMax Pro® can be used on all skin types.

Gentle Max Pro Hair Removal

No matter what your skin type, The Derm Centre's Gentle Hair Removal treatment will get rid of unwanted hair quickly, easily and comfortably - and say goodbye to shaving, waxing and plucking! 
Only G-Max Pro systems combine the patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ with super-fast treatment times, making the G-Max Pro the most comfortable laser hair removal device available!

Gentle Max Pro Pigmented Lesions

This treatment accelerates the process of removing toxins and excess fluids by flushing them from the body via lymphatic drainage . Unlike our circulatory system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to keep the flow moving, as a result, that fluid builds up, and causes swelling, heavy legs, and inflammation. 

Gentle Max Pro Vascular Lesions

This pain free service treats ingrown hair, removes dead skin cells, smooths bumps along the bikini line and helps lighten and brighten the area.

Contact us today to book one of our body treatments.
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